Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-03-09

  1. zak

    Is there anyone working on a way to implement XMPP-WhatsApp communication in regard to the Digital Markets Act? See

  2. zak

    In my opinion this is a great possibility for XMPP in general to increase the userbase. My guess is the first app that will be available to be able to chat with WhatsApp users without being WhatsApp has great potential for a wider userbase.

  3. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    communication with whatsapp has already been possible for a while now

  4. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    nothing to do with that state law

  5. latex

    WhatsApp is one of the most hostile services when it comes to interoperability though. Have you ever wondered why there literally exists no alternative third-party client for WhatsApp?

  6. latex

    Even Discord has third-party clients

  7. latex

    But with WhatsApp it's fricking nowhere to be found

  8. Test
