Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-02-27

  1. lissine

    Hi In most clients, it is common practice that when you leave a group chat / channel, the related bookmark isn't deleted. It is also common practice to display the bookmarks list to the user. The purpose of these two is allowing a user to easily re-join a group chat / channel after leaving it. But a client may display the bookmarks list alongside the contacts list, in which cass it might be confusing to users. One solution would be to grey out unjoined channels and put them at the very bottom of the list (like Movim does).

  2. lissine

    Moreover, the user should be able to delete a bookmark only if the group chat / channel isn't joined.

  3. MattJ

    Agreed. There was some talk about this at the summit earlier this month.

  4. latex

    And what if you want to delete the bookmark while still being in the channel?

  5. latex

    A use case for that is e.g. you don't know for sure if you want to stay, so you delete the bookmark while not leaving. Another use case is if you don't want your bookmarks cluttered, but you don't want to leave the channel just now, but just want to delete the bookmark until your client disconnects.

  6. latex

    A use case for that is e.g. you don't know for sure if you want to stay, so you delete the bookmark while not leaving. Another use case is if you don't want your bookmarks cluttered, but you don't want to leave the channel just now, but just want to delete the bookmark and stay in the channel until your client disconnects.

  7. MattJ

    Just delete the bookmark when you leave

  8. MattJ

    Or rather, your client would do that automatically

  9. MattJ

    Users shouldn't really have to think about bookmark management separately

  10. latex

    Yeah I guess most don't really need bookmarks

  11. latex

    I end up managing my bookmarks because the UX in my clients seem to differ a lot in the way they join MUCs based on legacy bookmarks and PEP bookmarks

  12. MattJ


  13. MattJ

    That's the gap we'd like to fix

  14. latex

    I do like the idea of displaying bookmarks inside the roster like Gajim used to do