Modern XMPP project discussion - 2023-04-26

  1. agates

    So there's this phenomenon happenign over in the Nostr world where people are getting used to the idea of keeping a public/private key pair as identity. I've been thinking about how to bring that to XMPP for user registration/authentication. What would I look into first?

  2. agates

    Said key pairs are (I believe) BIP340 Schnorr Signatures for secp256k1

  3. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    Probably how they are generated, were are they stored. and then go and do said implementation in a client and server so we can see how it works

  4. menel

    Certificate Auth is implemented at xmpp, at least conversations always had that option

  5. agates

    > Certificate Auth is implemented at xmpp, at least conversations always had that option via x509 right?