Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-11-13

  1. jayaura

    Hi, what are the chances that XEP-0308 gets some changes ? I feel that being able to edit recent messages is as important as editing most recent message.

  2. L29Ah plans to implement a code that throws an error at users who attempt any sort of editing

  3. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    > jayaura: > Hi, what are the chances that XEP-0308 gets some changes ? I feel that being able to edit recent messages is as important as editing most recent message. Agree. Sounds like a good plan here. No idea on how it good be done though

  4. jayaura

    What's the process to request changes to spec that's not final yet?

  5. L29Ah

    jayaura: which spec?

  6. jayaura


  7. L29Ah


  8. jayaura

    Thanks for the link!