Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-09-17

  1. meeson_

    Matrix Spaces ( a cool feature. Is there something (XEP) equivalent in the XMPP world?

  2. meeson_

    Matrix Spaces ( is a cool feature. Is there something (XEP) equivalent in the XMPP world?

  3. meeson_

    And no comments on ATM?

  4. catchy

    No conversation in Space Working channel

  5. catchy

    No conversation in Space Working Group channel

  6. catchy

    Umm.. Maybe out of my knowledge obviously

  7. catchy


  8. meeson_

    > No conversation in Space Working Group channel You say my question are off topic?

  9. meeson_

    > No conversation in Space Working Group channel You say my questions are off topic?

  10. meeson_

    > No conversation in Space Working Group channel What? Are you saying my questions are off topic?

  11. catchy

    Not really sure.. But, maybe there is a team or something else already have focus on the topic.. Just maybe ..

  12. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    > meeson_: > Matrix Spaces ( is a cool feature. Is there something (XEP) equivalent in the XMPP world? No xep yet. But there is a working group and there is an implementation in gajim

  13. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    Conversations has plans for something like spaces too so at some point C and all forks will have it too

  14. meeson_

    MSavoritias (fae,ve): Workspaces are something different in Gajim if I'm not mistaken.

  15. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    They are like spaces/discord servers and the likes afaik

  16. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    As for the xep we dont have a for profit vc funded company in xmpp so its slower to make progress :)

  17. meeson_

    MSavoritias (fae,ve): I see, thanks for the answer!

  18. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    Yw :)