Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-09-14

  1. damaged1

    Can a user using xmpp protocol hook into the fediverse and see activitypub feeds, etc? If not, why not? if so, how or where can I read about it?

  2. MattJ

  3. stefan

    damaged1: I thing libervia is working on it

  4. stefan

    damaged1: I think libervia is working on it

  5. MattJ

    Oops, that link didn't show the other reply:

  6. damaged1

    Well hallelujah, the wicked witch is dead. Finally a door to the next generation and not stuck as a walled garden being out poll positioned by younger blood. I was going ape shit over the non-interoperability, but now I can enjoy a peaceful sunrise of tranquility. Great Scott...McFly, someone back from the future actually heard our thoughts.