Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-08-01

  1. jcast

    Hey I've been trying to get more people aboard XMPP, overall much better experience than I expected, even if a bit of holding newbies by the hand is needed.

  2. jcast

    Some feedback

  3. jcast

    I use several devices, with multiple apps, for testing to a great extent. Aside some apps not fully suporting multidevice yet, some "Not encrypted for this device" errors are sometimes simply because the other user did not verify fingerprints.

  4. jcast

    At least it seems

  5. jcast

    New users - and I suppose we want many of those - may need to be educated. Make the UI hint optionally (opt-out?) by sending an automated message when a new device is added eg "I just added a new device, please review fingerprints".

  6. jcast

    Also more unified experience of where to find and review own and other's fingerprints would really help towards users showing each other the way around OMEMO

  7. jcast

    Across apps that is

  8. emus

    jcast: there is a xep automatic trust management I think

  9. emus

    jcast: thanks for reporting

  10. jcast

    > jcast: there is a xep automatic trust management I think In a chat involving Conversations, Gajim and Dino 0.3 (backport) I somehow got these errors on both desktop clients after it initially worked. Unsure what caused my Conversations peer to stop encrypting for those. Fixed after fully trusting my own fingerprints mutually from Conversations and sending messages to my peer from the desktop clients.

  11. jcast

    Sorry the fully trust thing is in Gajim, not conversations

  12. jcast

    Encryption worked across all clients June 19, and after a pause in communication, July 14th onwards messages were not encrypted by both my own Conversations client and my peer's Conversations client, to both desktop clients.

  13. jcast

    Did not mean to report this as an issue though, just dropping the UI/UX improvement suggestions. If more details are needed, I'll be happy to provide. Thanks for your time!