Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-03-16

  1. sajith

    I'm in an encrypted private group chat, and I see a lot of error messages about OMEMO failures in Dino, Gajim, and Beagle. Failures seem to be rather random: sometimes I'd get a successfully decrypted message from someone in the channel, followed by OMEMO failure message from the same person. I don't know if the problem is with my clients or their client.

  2. sajith

    I've heared that mobile clients are better at this. I wouldn't know, I don't want more distractions from my phone. Your mileage may vary. :-)

  3. raucao

    it's usually because one of their clients doesn't have all of your keys. and yes, i see that problem all the time as well, and it's wildly annoying

  4. sajith

    Is there a workaround? Would they get my keys once I send some messages from all my clients? But new clients joining will still not necessarily have all my keys, right?

  5. Zash

    > send some messages from all my clients? Maybe. Maybe they need to manually approve all your keys.

  6. Menel

    The more Clients involved, the more potential trouble

  7. Freezecheese

    bluejay: hey did u paint that bird on your profile pic yourself? 😄

  8. bluejay

    i wish, it is the work of another artist.

  9. Freezecheese

    I know the artist pretty good, I really have thought u would be her.. 😅

  10. Freezecheese

    bluejay: do you know her or do you just use her pic?