Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-02-20

  1. qwestion

    Sorry if wrong room for this q: which clients can i use for my avatar to be seen by all (most) clients that are supposed to support avatars, and which clients (if any) can see all (most) avatars correctly?

  2. qwestion

    I only know xsf room as other place for xmpp-wide issues

  3. lovetox

    almost all popular clients

  4. lovetox

    Conversations, Gajim, Movim, to name a few of the top of my head

  5. qwestion

    lovetox: can confirm conversation itself fails to see some avatars, even one that a C fork could see

  6. lovetox

    thats a strong argument that not the avatar is at fault

  7. xnamed

    qwestion: I had to to do a factory reset to solve this problem

  8. lovetox

    maybe you have a server issue, and avatars are not distributing correctly

  9. qwestion

    Im on

  10. xnamed

    lovetox: same excuses said to me, this is not the problem

  11. qwestion

    xnamed: fact reset of what?

  12. xnamed

    qwestion: you phone factory reset

  13. xnamed

    qwestion: yes phone factory reset

  14. qwestion

    xnamed: well thats no fun, did reinstalling app fail too?

  15. xnamed

    qwestion: I tried reinstalling many times, not only Conversations but its forks and even using server

  16. xnamed

    qwestion: it did not show the avatars after updating the app, so if you were able to see avatars before then you probably have same problem, but to make sure before resetting your phone try a known server like

  17. qwestion

    xnamed: im already oc.imn

  18. qwestion

    xnamed: im already on

  19. xnamed

    qwestion: you mean

  20. qwestion

    Updateshavent changed which avs i see

  21. qwestion


  22. lovetox

    so start conversations in debug mode and look at the logs, and search for help in the C support room

  23. lovetox

    factory reseting your phone because one of your apps does not show little pictures, seems a bit excessiv

  24. lovetox

    also it depends on permissions in some cases

  25. lovetox

    for Rooms some clients allow users to not show avatars

  26. qwestion

    I agree

  27. xnamed

    It's not excessive more than repeating what I already did and didn't work

  28. Sam

    Do you actually have a subscription nwith the other person? Can you see when they're online or are avatars the only thing that's broken?

  29. qwestion

    Sam: no sub i dont think, theyre not in my contact list. Avatars seem to disappear when ppl offline yes (never it said user offline, while i can see avatar)

  30. Sam

    It depends, but you need subscription for avatars most of the time, IIRC. It's a privacy thing.

  31. Zash

    Dunno about "most of the time", but "it depends" is accurate

  32. Sam

    yah, true

  33. qwestion

    Zash: strange i usually see ur avatar not now though

  34. Sam

    Could be a phone storage issue too. Maybe conversations doesn't have enough space to save them?

  35. makanakky

    qwestion, qwestion, qwestion: