Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-01-02

  1. pony_montana

    hi guys

  2. msavoritias


  3. pony_montana

    I have a noob question: It could be possible to take clients and servers software from "modern chat programs" licensed under free licenses (like signal) and adapt to xmpp federation?

  4. lovetox

    depends on what you want to achieve

  5. lovetox

    you only want to steal the UI? probably possible

  6. lovetox

    you want to have the same features just for xmpp? some of these features depend heavily on the fact that the server is not federated

  7. lovetox

    but all in all the short answer is, you cant steal much, the work you do is probably like writing an new client from scratch

  8. pony_montana

    mmmm ok, thanks