Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-12-26

  1. raucao

    would it be frowned upon to allow correcting messages other than the last, but only for like 3 minutes?

  2. raucao

    do most clients impose time restrictions?

  3. lovetox

    raucao, you can try

  4. lovetox

    but most client will simply not correct the message

  5. raucao

    i'm asking for implementation

  6. raucao

    i'm finishing up message correction for our own client

  7. lovetox

    you need to ask in jdev maybe there are many client developers

  8. raucao

    the spec doesn't forbid it, but it says it's out of scope

  9. lovetox

    as for Gajim, only the last message is correctable

  10. raucao

    sure, but would be good to have a guidline for modern xmpp clients, no?

  11. lovetox

    yes maybe

  12. Zash

    it would, but nobody has written down and gathered consensus on how that's supposed to work

  13. raucao

    it would work the same basically, because you can already not expect your corrected message to be replaced on every other client

  14. raucao

    so when in doubt there would just be a new message

  15. raucao

    and the XML is 100% the same

  16. raucao

    just with an older ID

  17. raucao

    just asking if that's something some clients might already be doing, same as for time limits

  18. raucao

    if not, then i also won't do it

  19. raucao

    just annoying sometimes for me to not be able to correct like the second-to-last line :)

  20. lovetox

    raucao, then simply do it

  21. lovetox

    if you write a client i think this is a useful feature, the xep allows you to do that

  22. lovetox

    other client maybe not supporting that, but as you said they simply show the message as new, so no harm done

  23. raucao

    bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. if nobody else does it, then new corrected messages that do not directly follow the previous message are a bit jarring for all users of every other client i guess. forcing last message for now, and will think about it a bit more perhaps

  24. raucao


  25. lovetox

    raucao, most things start that way though

  26. lovetox

    one client implements something, users like it, users use more than one client, bug developers to also support it

  27. lovetox

    i think its fine if it has sensible limits

  28. lovetox

    like time based

  29. lovetox

    correctable the first 60 seconds etc

  30. jonas’

    60s is quite low considering mobile keyboards

  31. lovetox

    one thing why i would not implement that is, because if i let older messages be corrected

  32. lovetox

    i need also a way to highlight older messages for the user, because i notify him, then i need to show whats actually changed

  33. lovetox

    i dont need to do that normally

  34. jonas’

    maybe don't notify users for corrections

  35. jonas’

    or at least not for old ones, I guess

  36. lovetox

    and thats the only XEP where i need to add something like that

  37. lovetox

    but thats shitty, someone writes something, corrects it 30 seconds later

  38. lovetox

    user gets not notified?!

  39. lovetox

    sounds bad

  40. jonas’

    I know of no chat system which supports corrections and notifies for corrections

  41. jonas’

    (not even if mentions get added to the correction, I think)

  42. lovetox

    i believe that in a heartbeat

  43. lovetox

    as i said, this is the only case where you would need to add logic to notify users of new messages somewhere in between their chat

  44. lovetox

    i doubt many devs want to implement that

  45. lovetox

    its trivial for the last message though

  46. lovetox

    you just notify the user a new message is there

  47. lovetox

    as you do for all other messages also

  48. lovetox

    and also most corrections happen fast

  49. lovetox

    so you either look anyway at that chat, so notification needed

  50. lovetox

    or you dont have looked yet then also no extra notification is needed