Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-08-29

  1. spec


  2. spec

    I don't understand very well this project of modern XMPP, it is an option to improve XMPP standard?

  3. Link Mauve

    spec, no, itโ€™s more of an effort to improve consistency between XMPP implementations.

  4. Link Mauve

    The standard improvements are handled at the XSF and that already works quite well.

  5. Link Mauve

    There would be no need to duplicate that effort.

  6. rom1dep

    spec: you can think of it as a condensed and synthetic version of the standard that helps you get there faster if you want to build a new client

  7. spec

    oh, great!

  8. Zash

    The Modern XMPP project is more about UX and UI than the wire protocol flowing trough the network.

  9. pep.

    Is it though? me looks at

  10. Zash

    Relatively more. Not dealing in absolutes here.

  11. pep.

    (and 393 being recommended :()

  12. Zash

    Too late, it's the norm. At least we can discourage markdown-on-the-wire or other incompatible things

  13. pep.

    It's never too late

  14. pep.

    If it's too late for xhtml-im it's probably too late to fight against capitalism, it's already the norm :P

  15. Zash

    You're right, let's go fight those blasted windmills! Can't let them win!

  16. rom1dep sends Dutch windmills on the wire

  17. Zash

    Meanwhile in Sweden

  18. Zash

  19. Zash

    Got one!

  20. meeeeson

    Zash: Is that ramp for jumping?

  21. meeeeson

    Oh no, never mind ๐Ÿ˜‚

  22. meeeeson

    Is there an XEP to flag content/posts as spam/dangerous by a moderator, which the client can use to hide the post or show a warning?

  23. Zash


  24. Zash

    It is relatively new but has a few implementations already.

  25. Zash

    More directed towards removal than just flagging

  26. meeeeson

    > More directed towards removal than just flagging At least for OT hiding or masking would probably be sufficient. > It is relatively new but has a few implementations already. Looking forward to seeing in Conversations and Dino.

  27. Zash

    Perhaps it would make sense to have both flagging and complete removal. But that should probably be discussed with the author and/or in the XSF standards chat

  28. southerntofu

    and flagging for abuse and flagging for NSFW/off-topic are different things

  29. southerntofu

    for abuse probably server admins (not just chan mods) should get a report, whereas for the latter it would be a "local" flagging mechanism just to hint clients that moderators recommend not to display certain things?

  30. Zash

    I agree the XMPP has some work to do in this area

  31. Zash

    I agree that XMPP has some work to do in this area

  32. Zash

    Reporting things to MUC admins would be good to have, tho you could just yell in the chat or PM

  33. southerntofu

    Zash, we had this instance for example with a few months back where server admins claimed (and maybe it was true) that they were unaware of a moderation problem: