Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-08-02

  1. Sam

    The terminology page doesn't have anything for the action of requesting or disallowing presence updates. I wonder what people think that should be called? "Subscribe/Unsubscribe"?

  2. Sam

    Same with someone in the roster. "Buddy" maybe? I don't like that, but I suspect everyone would know what it meant immediately

  3. Zash

    The terminology page has "Contact list" so I would have assumed "Contact"

  4. Sam

    oh yah, fair

  5. Zash

    An explicit entry could be added for clarity

  6. wurstsalat

    Sam, I'm stuck with Contact Request for now. not sure how to go with unsubscribe

  7. Zash

    Something about "Share online status", but tricky to put into few enough words to fit in UIs

  8. MattJ

    For the IM "profile" one-way subscriptions don't make sense. Some clients just paper over that by auto-upgrading one-way subscriptions to mutual ones. I think that's generally the right approach. At that point you don't need "subscribe" language of any kind, just "Add contact".

  9. Sam

    Yah, I guess that works. I am just doing the single "if someone is in your roster they can subscribe to you and you're subscribed to them and if you remove them it removes both subscriptions" but "Add Contact" sounded like it was just a one-way connection to me. I guess I'm used to thinking of contacts as an address book.

  10. Sam

    Then again, "Subscribe" makes me think it only requests the subscription one way too. Maybe it just has to be IM specific and makes sense in context.