Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-08-01

  1. thndrbvr

    I do believe I encountered someone saying ey was working on an open source Signal server replacement and after that was done ey'd also support XMPP. But, I don't remember any more details than that. 🤪

  2. littleme

    is signal using real encrypt, or it just encrypt for cheating user?

  3. thndrbvr

    littleme, Signal's protocol is pretty good. Steve Gibson, a 30+ year security research read the white papers and really liked how they did things. / htt

  4. thndrbvr

    littleme, Signal's protocol is pretty good. Steve Gibson, a 30+ year security research read the white papers and really liked how they did things. /

  5. thndrbvr

    littleme, Signal's protocol is pretty good. Steve Gibson, a 30+ year security researcher read the white papers and really liked how they did things. /

  6. ericus

    littleme: Signal's issue is users not verifying and authenticating their public keys (as many don't understand how it works). Just like, I'd bet 99% of the WhatsApp users, don't and ignore the security warning if a key changes or even have this warning disabled. GHCQ's Ghost is happy. ;)

  7. littleme

    disable the key changes warning,that's terrible