Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-03-24

  1. raghavgururajan is glad to have discovered this project

  2. raghavgururajan

    OMG! Whoever wrote this (, I'd like to join them in doing things like these. I care about semantics and/or linguistic clarity.

  3. MattJ

    raghavgururajan: welcome! 🙂

  4. MattJ

    PRs always welcome too!

  5. raghavgururajan


  6. emus

    raghavgururajan: but maybe discuss a bit first what you plan so you dont waste too much time evtl. if there are change requests

  7. raghavgururajan

    emus: Sure thing! Thanks for the tip. :-)

  8. raghavgururajan plans to work this later, as he is busy with Guix