Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-02-12

  1. muppeth

    yeah. i guess it comes hand in hand with hiding roster (conversations, dino, siskin) which is not something i particulary like as it takes away the atm uniqness of xmpp over the chaos that other platforms offer. i do miss grouping muc and contacts. i have like 85 contacts and 37 bookmarked mucs. I would love to be able to group stuff like you can on gajim but on all clients. i personally find it a great feature and it sad to see it go away. i'm not gajim user, but everytime i start it (usually to ban someone in the muc or send message to all users on the server) I do see the great value of roster.

  2. lovetox

    muppeth, yes i agree

  3. lovetox

    grouping is important

  4. cagent


  5. lovetox

    and we redesign gajim currently to offer more grouping possibilites outside of the roster

  6. cagent

    what's according to you the best xmpp android client? I'm using Conversations rn, seems correct

  7. lovetox

    yes cagent probably C

  8. Ge0rG

    Of course it's yaxim! 😁

  9. L29Ah
