Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-02-10

  1. MattJ

    sam, thanks for the PR! But I'm curious what the UX case is for sorting contacts by presence

  2. MattJ

    I really struggle to see any non-obscure reason for that

  3. jonas’

    I have my contacts sorted by presence in Pidgin

  4. jonas’

    I am trying to figure out where it helps me right now

  5. MattJ

    I'm all ears

  6. jonas’

    or if it does at all

  7. jonas’

    but I think I really just do type-ahead search

  8. jonas’

    I think the main point is that it looks nice to me :D

  9. sam

    I find that in a social context I only message people who are online/available, having them at the top just makes things easy. That being said, it's not something I feel strongly about, just something I've noticed that some clients I use do

  10. sam

    Just makes it easier for your eyes to quickly go to someone to chat with.

  11. MattJ

    I think in the days where presence tended to mean "sitting at their PC" it was useful

  12. jonas’


  13. jonas’

    the only entity in my contact list where that’s still true is my wife I think

  14. jonas’

    everyone else is on always-on clients which don’t propagate any status beyond "online" by default

  15. MattJ

    I think presence is increasingly less useful... maybe that's something to (separately) fix, but building UX around it today is difficult

  16. sam

    All my non-XMPP-people contacts (all 4 of them) seem to use it, but I think that's because none of them use mobile I don't think (they all have iphones, all tried one or two clients, informed me they were all terrible and crashed a lot, and then stopped using it on mobile)

  17. sam

    But yah, I don't feel strongly about it either way

  18. sam

    Hence the "MAY"

  19. sam

    I don't think it hurts compatibility or anything that gajim does it

  20. MattJ

    Agreed, I don't mind it being an option, but I'm simultaneously trying to convince Siskin developers to drop it :) (it makes no sense, Siskin is one of the clients that is always offline unless you actually have it focused)

  21. Zash

    Weighing in client type in ordering might be cool, so if you really are in front of your computer that counts for more than only being on yourphone?

  22. MattJ

    Modern XMPP docs are meant to be about informing ideal UX and best practices. I'm ok with maybe something like a "Historical note: some clients do this, gotchas are X/Y/Z, it's up to you."

  23. jonas’

    Zash, priority?

  24. MattJ

    Prority is dead

  25. MattJ

    , Jim

  26. jonas’

    I hear there are people who use priority -1

  27. jonas’

    plus carbons

  28. Zash

    jonas’, Pidgin users?

  29. MattJ

    Non-zero positive priority

  30. jonas’

    as a hack to let the single non-carbons client receive all messages.

  31. sam

    I forgot that priority was a thing until you said it just now. I was better off 30 seconds ago.

  32. jonas’

    sam, haha :D

  33. jonas’

    you’re welcome

  34. MattJ

    JMP (XMPP telephony/SMS bridge service) recently had an issue where if someone signed into their account with Gajim, they stopped receiving incoming calls

  35. MattJ

    Because the message is sent to the bare JID and not carbon-copied, and Gajim silently (afaik) swallowed it

  36. jonas’


  37. sam

    Pushed some changes, how about that?

  38. sam

    Actually, pushing the second commit that I was going to add on top of that, might as well review them both at once and I can drop one or the other if necessary

  39. sam

    I kind of think it does a bad job of explaining the thing about reordering we were discussing the other day, but I was struggling to describe the issue concisely. Suggestions welcome.