Modern XMPP project discussion - 2019-10-17

  1. MattJ

    A lot of anti-UI arguments on standards@

  2. MattJ

    I know some people remain optimistic that the XSF could eventually learn UI, but I think a long road lies ahead of that one :)

  3. Ge0rG

    I never anticipated 0392 to be the most controversial addition I made

  4. jonas’

    something about bikesheds

  5. Ge0rG

    remind me next year to add some obviously absurd one.

  6. pep.

    When we have a number of ux competent people within the community and 5 of them are running for UX council, why not

  7. SouL

    UI or UX?

  8. Ge0rG


  9. pep.

    Ugh, I don't know, design stuff

  10. Ge0rG

    We also need an UWPX expert.

  11. pep.


  12. pep.

    I'm meeting him tomorrow

  13. SouL

    Well, is not the same

  14. Ge0rG

    He might not be an expert in naming things, though ;)

  15. Ge0rG ,oO( luckily, I can claim innocence regarding Y.A.X.I.M. )

  16. pep.

    MattJ: maybe a "design" category in the CS would have been ok. Just thought of that. Even though what I said about council still holds, I was more concerned about what other people better at me at design had to say (dino people)

  17. jonas’

    this should’ve been mostly addressed now though

  18. jonas’

    (in '392)

  19. MattJ

    pep., a "Design" category in CS won't work while Council/community refuses to allow any XEPs that cover design

  20. jonas’

    don’t blame council ;)

  21. jonas’

    council accepted '392

  22. MattJ

    I don't think the "XEPs should not dictate UI" is actually a good approach to have

  23. MattJ

    But someone has to dictate UI, somewhere, if we're going to actually make any progress in that area

  24. MattJ

    er, I changed tack in the middle of my sentence, I meant to say I *do* think it's a good approach to have

  25. jonas’

    the question whether the XSF is the right place is a good one to ask though

  26. SouL

    Why don't replace 'dictate' with 'recommend'? (I haven't read all these emails you are talking about)

  27. MattJ

    SouL, a number of XEPs do that already, and people just ignore those parts if necessary (which is ok-ish)

  28. MattJ

    392 can't take that route, since it is pretty much 100% about visual stuff

  29. MattJ

    and UI is hard. So many different platforms with different styles, guidelines and capabilities

  30. MattJ

    and then on top of those you have the users, with different preferences and capabilities

  31. jonas’

    I think XEPs can mandate UX to some part, but not UI

  32. jonas’

    e.g.: "Users should be recognizable by their Avatar if it exists and by their '392 color otherwise"

  33. jonas’

    UX example: "Users should be recognizable by their Avatar if it exists and by their '392 color otherwise"

  34. jonas’

    UI example: "The dummy avatar should be a squircle"

  35. Ge0rG

    jonas’: but even that already exceeds the Council mandate

  36. SouL

    392 is a nice XEP but I don't see it as a must, there are probably clients that do not use nicknames at all

  37. jonas’

    SouL, '392 is not only for nicknames

  38. jonas’

    not even close

  39. SouL

    I've only seen the use of it for nicknames

  40. jonas’

    conversations uses it for roster entries, too

  41. Ge0rG

    right now it's use-less.

  42. Ge0rG

    what's the right approach to your own nickname, btw? ;)

  43. pep.

    “MattJ> a "Design" category in CS won't work while Council/community refuses to allow any XEPs that cover design”, yes, why I said what I said about the council still holds

  44. Ge0rG

    use 0392? use white/black?

  45. jonas’

    Ge0rG, a platform-specific sensible color

  46. jonas’

    which is in fact ideally desaturated

  47. Ge0rG

    jonas’: did you just introduce another axis for color values? hue, saturation, value, sensibility?

  48. jonas’


  49. Ge0rG

    Sorry, I think I've burned out with CS-2020 faster than anticipated.

  50. jonas’

    I wonder why

  51. jonas’

    same thing happened to me last year

  52. jonas’

    wait until Sam starts to complain that everything was too slow

  53. jonas’

    then the fun really begins

  54. MattJ

    Just call it CS-2021 and we'll be fine

  55. jonas’


  56. Ge0rG

    jonas’: I wonder if I should blame myself for Kev going on-list.

  57. jonas’

    I wonder, too

  58. jonas’

    or if I am to blame

  59. Ge0rG


  60. jonas’

    has dwd voted already?

  61. pep.

    MattJ: I hope we made progress towards the oob hack in 2021 :x

  62. Ge0rG

    jonas’: you are not, in any case.

  63. jonas’

    Ge0rG, I did interrupt the thing

  64. jonas’

    in another variant Kev might’ve convinced you

  65. Ge0rG

    jonas’: I was the one demanding a Formal Council Meeting

  66. Ge0rG

    jonas’: I only realized what I've done when Kev on-list'ed.

  67. Ge0rG

    I wouldn't have stopped before that.

  68. jonas’


  69. jonas’

    I tried to contact him out of band about the incident, but my s2s to isode doesn’t work

  70. Ge0rG

    Reminds me of my s2s to 404

  71. jonas’

    the name is descriptive

  72. jonas’

    also this has grown extremely off-topic in this room

  73. Ge0rG

    jonas’: I disagree. s2s interop is surely a UX problem