Squeaky Latex Folf
Does anyone know if XMPP has multi-user voice/video calls?
Link Mauve
Squeaky Latex Folf, yes, see for instance Jitsi Meet, Zoom, or Dino. All three use different protocols to achieve that though.
Link Mauve
With various tradeoffs in server load vs. scalability.
Squeaky Latex Folf
But the former two aren't really XMPP are they?
Link Mauve
How so?
Squeaky Latex Folf
Zoom is proprietary and not an XEP. Jitsi is not an XEP.
Squeaky Latex Folf
Unless I'm missing some context
Link Mauve
Jitsi Meet proposed XEP-0298 and XEP-0340 at least.
Link Mauve
These are the basis of their implementation.
Jitsi is SIP, Jitsi Meet is WebRTC, IIRC
Squeaky Latex Folf
What XEP does Dino use?
Link Mauve
AFAIK XEP-0272, same as Empathy.
Link Mauve
XEP-0482 as well, as a replacement for XEP-0353.
Link Mauve
I should add that one to xmpp-parsers, and a schema.
Squeaky Latex Folf
Most of my friends on XMPP use the following technology stack: Text chat: XMPP Voice chat: Mumble Video chat: One of the following: nginx-rtmp, SRT Live Server, MediaMTX, Broadcast-Box✎ -
Libervia also has it afaik, even with a prototype SFU implementation
And Movim is working on it
Squeaky Latex Folf
Most of my friends on XMPP use the following technology stack: Text chat: XMPP Voice chat: Mumble Video chat: One of the following: nginx-rtmp, SRT Live Server, MediaMTX, Broadcast-Box, SRS ✏
Those two are compatible with Dino afaik
Squeaky Latex Folf
I've never established a successful Jingle voice call with anyone on XMPP yet✎ -
Squeaky Latex Folf
I've never established a successful Jingle voice call with anyone on XMPP yet on desktop ✏
Squeaky Latex Folf
Only on Android
Squeaky Latex Folf
And a lot of the time there is the error of not being able to establish the connection for the call
Squeaky Latex Folf
But this is probably due to TURN shenanigans and how a lot of mobile ISPs force IPv4 on us
Works fine with Movim
Squeaky Latex Folf
So I'm forced to use GSM to this very day
Squeaky Latex Folf
GSM is kinda cool though. EDGE has just enough bandwidth for me to be able to stream my music
Squeaky Latex Folf
But GSM is technologically inferior to all the more modern stuff we have now
Squeaky Latex Folf
But VoLTE remains very broken to this day
Squeaky Latex Folf
So GSM it is for me
Link Mauve
There, fixed: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1423
Squeaky Latex Folf
I find Jingle pretty appealing in the context of voice calls on a mobile connection. Also because XMPP has been the most technologically successful mobile-ready instant messaging protocol from my point of view.
Squeaky Latex Folf
XMPP is so far the ONLY protocol I can use on my phone that has proper notification pushing
Squeaky Latex Folf
Matrix almost completely fails on this promise
Link Mauve
Squeaky Latex Folf, about five years ago, I’ve done a lot of Jingle video calls, at first using Jitsi Meet, and after a while also from Dino to Conversations, both worked quite well.
Squeaky Latex Folf
And ALL other instant messaging protocols I know of either do not support notification pushing (IRC), or requires Google services to do it (Discord, Signal, Telegram, etc.)
Telegram doesn't need google for notifications
Squeaky Latex Folf
Neither does signal
Squeaky Latex Folf
Guess I am not informed enough about them
I use molly and TG on a graphene profile with no google,
Squeaky Latex Folf
I stopped using Telegram many years ago
But you are correct generally
Squeaky Latex Folf
And I also stopped using Signal
Squeaky Latex Folf
Both because they are centralized
👍 1 -
Its on my sub accounts
Squeaky Latex Folf
And I don't trust Telegram or Moxie
👍 1 -
Telegram could have been awesome but they decided to make stickers instead of group encryption and federation
Squeaky Latex Folf
It's kind of hard for me to take new IM federation projects seriously. Matrix is based on a living spec just like HTML5 which is very worrying to me
Squeaky Latex Folf
XMPP takes standardization very seriously which I really like
Squeaky Latex Folf
I only use XHTML
Squeaky Latex Folf
I love XML
XMPP is a strong set of standards with extendability which is ace
Only thing being a pain on group encryption
MPE I glanced at but a bit over my head to know if its decent or not, my solution was much more umm, rudimentary.
Squeaky Latex Folf
MultiParty Encryption I believe its called?
I'll check
I can't find it now, someone else needs to chime in
That's probably it lol
Please send a link?
MSavoritias (fae,ve)
MaxSan, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9420/
Squeaky Latex Folf
But there's no MLS on XMPP yet right?
Squeaky Latex Folf
OMEMO existed before MLS
Squeaky Latex Folf
But OMEMO has been considered sloppy by some cryptography expert called soatok
Yes, but MLS for xmpp is a work in progress
Soatok is a troll and not an expert
The clown even deleted a very reasonable response from the author of Omemo from the comments of his blog.
> But OMEMO has been considered sloppy by some cryptography expert called soatok Soatok considers anything and everything that isn't Signal to be sloppy and bad ↺
Signal is done pretty well, but its deliberate with it's leaks so much it pisses me off.
Can you actually register without a phone number now?
> Can you actually register without a phone number now? no
> Both because they are centralized 👍 ↺
> And I don't trust Telegram or Moxie 👍 ↺
> Signal is done pretty well, but its deliberate with it's leaks so much it pisses me off. this isn't a criticism of Signal. The problem with Soatok's stance is that they are incapable of undestanding that not everything fits into the narrow use-case that Signal fits for. ↺
this is a fantastic explainer of how MLS works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FESp2LHd42U
nice find!
> Signal is done pretty well, but its deliberate with it's leaks so much it pisses me off. my point isn't that Signal's bad (though I don't like it), if someone was saying the same things but with XMPP being the only good platform I'd also consider him as much of an idiot as Soatok ↺