Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-10-14

  1. sch

    > There used to be a time when most people were using RSS without thinking about it, just because it was there, in the middle of their web browser, doing its thing and serving a useful purpose. In my (controversial?) opinion, it only disappeared because we let the tech giants build their walled gardens over it (and a bunch of other things, including XMPP) 1. Browsers are less and less relevant. They are afraid of this fact, and so they remove RSS. 2. The more software to support RSS, the more people would know of it.

  2. sch

    Install Newspaper Greasemonkey script and click on the icon "rescue wheel" (🛟️) to read the articles: - Who Is Trying To Hide Syndication Feeds And Why? - Red Lizard Attacks And Shenanigans