Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-04-17

  1. sch

    Good day to one and all!

  2. sch

    Who is the administrator of git account @modernxmpp?

  3. sch

  4. contrapunctus

    >> What drives me up the wall is silently missing history thanks to Schrödinger's Chat. Or a community periodically going silent because everyone got disconnected and nobody has realized it yet. > fugata, what do you mean? selurvedu:

  5. sch

    I have made an HTTP software that conveys PubSub nodes into Atom Syndication feed Test with: $ uvicorn main:app --reload

  6. contrapunctus

    >> What drives me up the wall is silently missing history thanks to Schrödinger's Chat. Or a community periodically going silent because everyone got disconnected and nobody has realized it yet. > fugata, what do you mean? selurvedu: > XEP-0410: MUC Self-Ping (Schrödinger's Chat) As someone advocating for XMPP, this is the biggest embarrassment to deal with in 2024. And it affects private and public rooms, i.e. nongeeks and geeks, alike.

  7. selurvedu

    contrapunctus, ah, muc self-ping, yes...

  8. selurvedu

    problem older than some of us here probably

  9. MattJ

    Heh, probably. Some time ago I archived this page from the old website:

  10. Zash

    Nothing new under the sun, as usual?