Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-04-03

  1. defal

    Good evening everyone, I'm new to all of this XMPP stuff and I just wanted to know if there is a way to make "multiple" MUCs, I have been trying to organize my server in a way that feels similar to discord or mumble, where a single MUC can have multiple topics/chats divided by subjects. I don't know if it is currently possible to have something like that, if not I'd like to know what is the best path to "prototype" something like that. Anyways, I think this is the best place to start since this is the "Modern XMPP project" and stuff

  2. Menel

    You can have multible muc components, like And on these components there can be rooms etc. Generally most don't do that, and just create all rooms on one room component. But you _could_ do it like that if you like that

  3. Menel

    You could also name your rooms so it's clear they belong together or something.

  4. Menel

    Generally there wasn't a big need for multible components in prosody, because you can have as many rooms as you like on one component.

  5. Menel

    I think something like matrix spaces, one entity, combining multible rooms, was discussed at the standard foundation room at one point. But I don't remember if anything came of it yet. There are no clients doing that at least

  6. Zash

    I read that more like a quest for "Spaces", having a group of related group chats.

  7. defal

    Yeah, pretty much that what Zash said. Having something like a "Space" where there are multiple chats having the ability to categorize them. Not necessarily having multiple "group chats" with similar names

  8. defal

    Of course I think of it as something similar to discord, since I do believe it is a good improvement for communities and organizing projects overall.

  9. defal

  10. defal

    For example, I would have a "Space", with two categories, their access could be limited for specific users and people could choose which MUC to join or talk to

  11. defal

    But I don't really know if something like that would be implemented as a XEP, just a "server thing" or even a client thing.

  12. defal

    Also there would be a need for a standard like having

  13. Menel

    Hm. If you want to compare to discord servers. Maybe just really setup real "xmpp servers" (virtualhosts) for each community. As long as there are domain names. Virtualhosts are cheap. Only one real server can host a bunch of communities, all with different domains. Currently spaces don't exist like they do there.

  14. Menel

    It coupd be setup as a server thing without xep I think. Basically some kind of access lists for users

  15. Zash

    It is a recurring discussion topic however, I think there are various beginnings of XEPs around?

  16. Menel

    Some kind of list where I can add a jabber-ID and they would get member status in a list of rooms and would get automatically a roster update to see all these rooms

  17. Zash

    There are things like which is in use on for giving XSF members group chat membership and fancy Hats

  18. MattJ

    Discord doesn't even have spaces, does it? It calls them "servers"

  19. defal

    > Discord doesn't even have spaces, does it? It calls them "servers" Yeah, pretty much. But in XMPP's case, we have servers in the literal sense, so it would be a bad idea to name them like that

  20. defal

    I threw "Spaces" as just a way to explain what I meant without having to resort multiple subdomains manually

  21. defal

    > It is a recurring discussion topic however, I think there are various beginnings of XEPs around? No clue, I might give it a look later when I get off work! I'll try to do document my findings.

  22. defal

    But I do think making it so the users of a *Server Instance* have the option to create " *Spaces* " freely similar to *Discord's servers* would be an amazing addition, but I belive I'll need to do some research on the subject first...