Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-03-15

  1. rom1dep

    Is there a standard way of encoding as a URL/QR-Code that the invitee is "trusted" (as in, known in person, by nature of e.g. having received a physical business card, as opposed to having found a jid on a webpage), to enable things like symmetrical presence sharing?

  2. MattJ

    rom1dep, yes, by including a token

  3. MattJ

    That's what invitations are

  4. MattJ

    otherwise just a normal xmpp: URI suffices

  5. MattJ

    Invitations are xmpp: URIs with the token that grants additional capabilities

  6. rom1dep

    Nice 🙂

  7. rom1dep

    Does any server beyond snikket/prosody implement that?

  8. MattJ

    Sadly not, as far as I know

  9. MattJ

    Yep, Prosody is the only server listed at

  10. Jeroen

    Does somebody now where I can find the documentation how you can federate with WhatsApp with the eu regulations ? I heard WhatsApp was still based on XMPP based protocol.

  11. Zash

    As far as I am aware, there will be no federation, only a client interface.