Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-01-21

  1. saegbbt4


  2. latex

    Cursed idea: modern XMPP = XMPP5 DTD gone, schema deprecated. JSON over XML. Every new standard requires an interpreted or JIT-compiled language called XMLScript. XMPP5 clients will have vulnerabilities every week and take 8 hours to build.

  3. latex

    Cursed idea: modern XMPP = XMPP5 DTD gone, schema deprecated. JSON over XML. Every new standard requires an interpreted or JIT-compiled language called XMLScript. XMPP5 clients will have vulnerabilities every week and take 8 hours to build. XSF would be bought out by Google, Apple, Netflix, Amazon. DRM integrated inside standard.

  4. latex

    Do you see the similarities?

  5. latex

    What I just described is exactly what HTML and JS have become

  6. latex

    HTML5 is the "modern HTML"

  7. latex

    TCP would basically get replaced by XMPPSockets, the doppelganger of WebSockets

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    XSS: XMPP Style Sheets. Clients won't have their own UI anymore. The server will forcefully dictate what your client will look like.

  9. latex

    XEP-666: ReCaptcha over XMPP5

  10. hook


  11. latex


  12. latex

    Oops I pressed enter

  13. latex

    Oh well

  14. latex

    That's the XEP for you. Malformed XML. That's new too: it's called XML5