Modern XMPP project discussion - 2024-01-09

  1. Alex

    Is there any existing extension which syncs the UI sate between different clients? With Ui state I am currently looking into open conversations, so that I can see the same list of open conversations in eg. Gajim and Conversations on the mobile.

  2. MattJ

    "Yes", "no", and "not yet"

  3. MattJ

    It's kinda done by a few clients using PEP bookmarks (where the autojoin flag now means "this chat is open")

  4. MattJ

    But that's only for MUCs right now

  5. Alex

    for Mucs is mostly the bookmarks, for pivate chats its not that easy

  6. MattJ

    We're planning to implement something in the Snikket SDK "soon", and discussed something similar

  7. Alex

    sounds great. maybe we can catch up in Brussels

  8. MattJ

    Yeah, if I have time I'll write down the stuff I talked about with singpolyma

  9. rom1dep

    Would that help with unread counts across clients?

  10. MattJ


  11. rom1dep
