Modern XMPP project discussion - 2023-12-14

  1. sch

    emus, I'm testing Slixfeed for sometime, and it seems that the bot handles contacts and groupchats well. There are a few errors to correct and also a small issue with feeds with a larger set of entries, but I think I know what to do in order to fix it. All is left to do is follow the advise of nicoco to include it in pip repository, and then I'll ask to publish a newsletter.

  2. sch

    Finally. I didn't think it will take so long <- You might want me to write anout that too.

  3. sch

    Finally. I didn't think it would take so long <- You might want me to write anout that too.

  4. emus

    sch: I think it would be best if you add it to the newsletter pad yourself?

  5. sch

    I will. Who will review this? I would be glad to get help in writing.

  6. emus

    sch: write it and then just raise a discussion in the chat

  7. sch
