Modern XMPP project discussion - 2023-11-26

  1. *IM*

    Can data extracted via be migrated to a new provider _without_ logging in to the old server?

  2. menel

    To be able to extract it, a login is needed

  3. cal0pteryx

    menel, read again

  4. menel

    No, in its current version, it needs to login, extract it and then migrate it.

  5. menel

    There isn't a place to add pre existing data

  6. Zash

    So someone would need to do some work on restructuring it.

  7. *IM*

    To be able to extract it, a login is needed Yes I did - but why login the old server (which isnto import to the New Server?

  8. *IM*

    > To be able to extract it, a login is needed Yes I did - but why login the old server (which isn't online atm) to import to the new server?

  9. *IM*

    > No, in its current version, it needs to login, extract it and then migrate it. 😢