Modern XMPP project discussion - 2023-08-06

  1. grim

    i don't see any mention of starttls on (which has rfc 6920 instead of 6120), so should it be implemented or just aim for normal tls connections?

  2. MattJ

    Heh, whoops, I'll fix that, thanks

  3. MattJ

    The current RFC only defines starttls, but the network is gradually shifting to "direct TLS" and it's likely that a future RFC will formalize that

  4. MattJ

    For now the canonical reference is

  5. grim

    MattJ: thanks, I was really just seeing if I could skip that part, but looks like no :-D

  6. grim

    also I'm realizing I don't have xmpps srv records set up..

  7. MattJ

    grim, if you wanted to go direct TLS only, I wouldn't blame you. If I was working on a client today (which I may be soon) I would be very tempted

  8. MattJ

    Of course if you want Pidgin 2.x users to be happy with upgrading to 3.x and have everything still working, you probably don't want to make such a bold move

  9. grim

    MattJ: good point on the upgrade path..