Modern XMPP project discussion - 2023-08-01

  1. rom1dep

    Does monal support MUC+MAM these days? I didn't know it was still lacking A/V and that's unfortunate. My iOS contacts all use Siskin nowadays, they are not thrilled by it, but it seems to do the job quite reliably (which wasn't the case of monal for a long time).

  2. menel

    Yes, monal supports basically everything conversations does, only the A/V is missing yet. But it is on the agenda

  3. menel

    Some say monal is more reliable to get messages then siskin now, but if siskin works for you, no need to change a running system

  4. rom1dep

    I depend on A/V for those contacts, but I'll definitely invite them to do some comparative tests on monal when the feature lands. Competition is good!

  5. marmistrz-muc

    Thanks a lot. It appears that desktop Monal will mark messages as read if the app is open but idle.

  6. menel

    If that's the case (marking as read even if the app is in background) it sounds like it deserves a bug report.

  7. marmistrz-muc

    I think it might be in the foreground but having no activity from the user. I'll be checking it with a friend later due to the timezone difference.