Modern XMPP project discussion - 2023-03-20

  1. grim

    is there a list anywhere of xeps that should be avoided or nice to have? while cleaning up pidgin, doesn't make things exactly easy. For example, we're re-architecting our status and "mood" api, but there's nothing about XEP 0107 User Moods that I can find on the website

  2. pep.

    It's not exactly used anymore around here so yeah there isn't much to say about it

  3. pep.

    I guess you're welcome to propose something

  4. grim

    well this isn't the only case... which is why i'd like a list.. like xhtml formating gets a mention at least, but custom smiley/emojis someone built using BoB i'm sure isn't in use anywhere, so that ones easy. I just hate having to come and ask everyone who's knowledge on this stuff is way more up to date than I am ;)

  5. grim

    i'm not in the position to propose anything, i'm trying to determine if i should nuke this code or comment it out until we finish this api rewrite

  6. pep.

    There's the compliance suites

  7. pep.

  8. grim

    we have other protocols to support that do something similar, but if no other xmpp clients implement it, maybe it's not worth our time especially right now with a complete rewrite of our xmpp support looming

  9. pep.

    XHTML-IM unfortunately has been deprecated. I'm personally in favor of keeping it but I think modernxmpp is going with the less structed 393

  10. pep.

    Good to know that pidgin is looking into have decent XMPP support again :)

  11. grim

    ok, this list is kind of it.. but i was hoping for a list of like every xep and whether or not it's status/recommendation

  12. pep.


  13. pep.

    The goal isn't to catch 'em all really

  14. grim

    i understand, but from an old implementation point of view trying to figure out what should and shouldn't stay is difficult at the moment

  15. pep.

    I agree things could be a lot better though

  16. pep.

    Do you have a list of what you support? Maybe we (here) could help cross things off it and/or add to it.

  17. grim

    if we do i'm sure it's not reflective of reality :)

  18. Link Mauve

    And possibly contribute that to modernxmpp if that can be of use to someone else.

  19. pep.

    Also have a look at the recent overhaul may help you to have a clue about what's implemented where

  20. pep.

    Also if you like querying :P

  21. Link Mauve

    But the compliance suites are a start, once you have everything in there implemented and working and following modernxmpp guidelines and tested against other implementations, you can start looking at other things you want to add to it.

  22. grim

    i mean i pretty much just look at dino, gajim, conversations, and xabber to test stuff and see what other clients are doing already

  23. grim

    Link Mauve: i can't get to that point until i get the cruft out of here..

  24. pep.

    Xabber is nice in its own way. For some (most?) of the things it's doing its own thing

  25. grim

    like i said, right now it's a matter of delete or comment stuff out because we have a rewrite looming, but we haven't started it yet because theres other things that need to happen first

  26. MattJ

    Nobody is going to punish you for supporting User Mood when no other moden client does, but it's not something people are going to miss if you want to remove it

  27. pep.

    Well that depends on your user base

  28. grim

    i believe this is the closest thing we have a list of XEPs that we support

  29. pep.

    If you stick around here I'm personally happy to point you to things when needed

  30. pep.

    Or I can join another channel

  31. pep.

    And/or I can join another channel

  32. grim

    user mood is just one of i'm sure many examples.. the specifics don't matter.. but right now i'm trying to rip out or current "mood" api as it sucks and it's being integrated into our new presence api. so i either need to comment out the xep 0107 support or delete it so we can compile and continue moving forward

  33. grim

    timeline on implementing any of this is anyone's guess.. i literally just built a new sasl library for pidgin3 because the existing options all had stupid problems we didn't and shouldn't have to deal with in 2023..

  34. grim

    that's the level of rewrite and care we're putting into this effort

  35. pep.

    From this list I think you can: - Remove 0012 (Last activity), - Remove 0096 (SI File Transfer) to replace with Jingle-ft / OMEMO / JET (0391) - You do BOSH, maybe you want to also? instead? Add support for websockets - BoB 0231 for stickers is only used by Movim. I think people are going towards 0449 nowadays

  36. pep.

    And yeah, compliance suites

  37. grim

    ok, but looking at 0107, i think we're better off just allowing any emoji as a mood and prefixing the status message with it because the other protocols we have to support support the full emoji set. i suppose we could have xmpp send the events in 0107 if the user picks an emoji that matches those moods but whatever

  38. pep.

    Also stuff is happening in the sasl/bind area now that you're talking about it.

  39. grim

    new mech is fine, we built that library to easily add custom mechs if necessary

  40. grim

    just skimming but it looks like scram?

  41. pep.

    Re 0012, 0319 seems to be a replacement if you want to keep a similar feature around. I don't know who does it.

  42. pep.

    Yeah it's SCRAM. I'm not the best person to talk about it though

  43. MattJ

    SCRAM is the best mechanism for password auth. The FAST stuff uses tokens and is similar to, but not the same as, SCRAM.

  44. MattJ

    It lets you avoid the multiple round-trips that SCRAM requires on subsequent authentications

  45. grim

    MattJ: understood, i was just skimming, saw tokens that don't get passed and was like, oh this sounds like a scram challenge ;)

  46. grim

    or cool, so it just does first run and then tokens, similar to oauth? i assume there's a ttl as well.. although feel free to not answer i can read the xep later ;)

  47. MattJ

    It's a single round-trip, unlike SCRAM, so actually no challenges. That means it's susceptible to some things that SCRAM isn't, but also tokens aren't passwords and it's always over TLS so it's basically okay.

  48. MattJ

    and yes to all your questions

  49. grim

    cool, does it used bound channels or whatever? i need to work that into hasl yet... yes we named our sasl library HASL because both cyrus and gsasl are real hassles..

  50. grim


  51. MattJ

    Yes, it uses channel binding

  52. grim

    ok so that's on my list, yay :)

  53. grim

    in the rare change anyone is interested, here's hasl

  54. grim

    it needs more docs and examples and stuff, but right now it just supports PLAIN and EXTERNAL, scram is up next, but if i can work FAST into our prosody instance with our custom auth provider i'll probably lean towards that sooner rather than later

  55. MattJ

    That would be very nice :)

  56. grim

    MattJ: yeah i'll probably be bugging you about that at some point :-D

  57. MattJ

    Please do!

  58. grim

    well more of how do i make my custom auth provider prosody plugin work with FAST, but yeah

  59. pep. < :)

  60. grim

    i'm already there ;)

  61. MattJ

    Regarding your earlier question about XEPs, in addition to what people already said, this might be useful as an extra indicator:

  62. grim

    that's amazing! thank you for that!

  63. pep.

    Don't let a "0" stop you from implementing it though :P

  64. pep.

    If that's interesting for you/your userbase

  65. grim

    of course, but it'll let me focus on feature parity first

  66. grim

    our user base is a lot more than xmpp, but if we're already implementing something for one protocol and we just have to write the xmpp glue code, then so be it right

  67. grim

    which is where this user-mood stuff sits. and maybe that ends up being a new xep at some point, but right now, it doesn't seem worth the effort but it looks like 1/3rd of clients support it..

  68. MattJ

    Sure. In fact just as interesting would be "Hey, we're implementing this feature for N other protocols, how do we map that to XMPP?"

  69. grim

    same thing with user tune too

  70. stefan

    Profanity supports user mood, BTW. 😁

  71. pep.

    Seems like 13 implementations do.

  72. grim

    MattJ: exactly. we're basically taking a signal from discord (feel free to groan), but updating the status message for the song being played, or the users mood via an emoji is a very simple and easy way to implement that stuff for slack, discord, and i forget who else supports it.

  73. MattJ

    WHERE implementation.is_modern == 1

  74. pep.

    What's is_modern

  75. MattJ

    A flag I invented to annoy you :P

  76. pep.

    I got that part :P

  77. MattJ

    grim, oh, but don't drag XMPP back into the dark ages just because other platforms haven't understood their terrible design mistakes yet :P

  78. MattJ

    User Tune is obviously superior than spamming full presence changes, since it can be selectively filtered

  79. grim

    MattJ: no promises :P

  80. grim

    also, channel binding is SHOULD, not MUST? > Finally, if channel binding is used, both sides receive proof that no MITM or relay attack being performed.

  81. MattJ

    We relaxed it to SHOULD because in some environments (such as web clients running in browsers) there is no way to implement channel binding

  82. grim

    ah ok, so we'll have to make it an option that defaults to on (in libpurple)

  83. MattJ

    libpurple compiled to JS? :)

  84. grim

    that's our new thing too.. secure defaults.. not sure why it took us that long to do it, but basically connecting to irc with secure sasl just requires clicking a box to say "require password" :-D

  85. grim

    MattJ: i mean there is a docker protocol plugin that someone wrote libpurple golang bindings for... and people have pulled it into nodejs as well..

  86. grim

    so building for wasm isn't out of the question either

  87. pep.

    docker protocol plugin.. for libpurple?!

  88. grim

    pep.: yep, you're containers show up as contact on your buddy list, and then your im's are stdout/stdin

  89. grim

    it's really quite something lol

  90. pep.


  91. MattJ

    Okay, new XMPP gateway required... :P

  92. pep.

    adventurous_linus became online

  93. grim

    pep.: precisely

  94. wurstsalat

    MattJ: implementation_status is missing there, which can be "removed" as well. am I seeing this correctly? or did you remove those beforehand?

  95. MattJ

    No, I didn't do anything

  96. MattJ

    It's just the raw data

  97. MattJ

    But I don't know if I imported that column, I'll check

  98. MattJ

    No, I'll fix that, thanks

  99. MattJ

    Ah, I was pulling '.status' from the JSON but it's '.implementation_status', thanks

  100. MattJ

    There is a status column now

  101. MattJ

    I assume no value just means... "implemented"? :)

  102. wurstsalat

    yes, some devs didn't fill that column at all

  103. MattJ

    I notice a number of them get the version fields wrong too

  104. MattJ

    Indicating the version of the implementation rather than the XEP

  105. wurstsalat

    I forgot to tell, but you can check for implementations for specific XEPs on now as well: (right-most column)

  106. wurstsalat

    MattJ: if you tell me which ones, I can ping the author

  107. MattJ

    I noticed it with Metronome, but I think it's not the only one

  108. MattJ

    It's clear on

  109. MattJ

    A number of rows claim to have implemented XEP versions that don't exist

  110. wurstsalat

    perfect, thanks! really useful, this tool!

  111. grim

    okay, i know pidgin isn't listed on a lot of xmpp client lists, but this is one i really expected to see pidgin or purple on...

  112. Link Mauve

    grim, do you have a DOAP file at

  113. grim

    Link Mauve: i'm going to guess and say no

  114. Link Mauve

    grim, add it there then:

  115. Link Mauve

    On the next website rebuild it’ll be part of that data.

  116. grim

    cool, now i just need to learn doap :-D

  117. Link Mauve

    XEP-0453 should explain most of it.

  118. grim

    XEP-0453 ?

  119. grim

    yeah cool

  120. grim

    this probably isn't the right muc for this, but is there a tool i can use to verify my data before hand?

  121. grim

    and i see the right muc for it, joining now

  122. Link Mauve

    Probably building manually.

  123. grim

    oh derp, that'd make sense :-D

  124. Link Mauve

    I once wrote some tooling around it, but never managed to do the last parts of making use of it…

  125. grim

    i'm not volunteering but and xsd or dtd could be enough..

  126. Link Mauve

    RDF usually uses different tooling than XML schemas.

  127. grim

    hm, okay

  128. Link Mauve

    Because effectively you can add any additional RDF thing in it.

  129. wurstsalat works for starters

  130. wurstsalat

    also, no need to build manually. GitHub CI will do that for you

  131. grim

    i'd just run xmllint on the command line honestly and I have no issue building locally

  132. emus

    > wurstsalat: > 2023-03-20 12:56 (GMT+01:00) > works for starters have we listed this somewhere?

  133. pep.

    It's a pretty generic xml validation tool.. we don't need to catch all these either really

  134. pep.

    It's a pretty generic xml validation tool.. we don't need to catch all of these either really

  135. emus


  136. emus

    but still one asked about it right?

  137. pep.

    They asked about a way to validate DOAP specifically

  138. emus


  139. Zash

    MattJ, if one were to have a data export, can you import it with without exporting from somewhere?