Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-10-25

  1. contrapunctus


  2. contrapunctus

    The Terminology page could suggest using "contact request" instead of "[presence] subscription request".

  3. contrapunctus

    Is the alternative to everyone's liking?

  4. jonas’

    contrapunctus, I think pidgin called it "wants to add you to your contact list", which is fair enough to me

  5. contrapunctus

    Sounds good.

  6. selurvedu

    contrapunctus, it depends. <imho>For tech docs, "contact request" is not very clear while "presence subscription request" is well-known in XMPP world. For user interface, "contact request" is still not very clear. "X wants to you to add them to your contacts list" or smth similar, but I don't know how to name the action itself. Maybe just "Add to contacts list".</imho>

  7. selurvedu

    I wrote this but forgot to send, so jonas’ beat me to it