Modern XMPP project discussion - 2022-05-14

  1. CK

    > Which two? You should introduce them to me :) One of them I'm working with closely and having a line of communication between y'all would be wonderful. I would love to share the project details -but wondering if we could provide some clarity around BOSH? I ask this because when I read the specs it seemed like at it's core was long polling http. We had just finished something that we used grpc for and wondered if it was an idea to explore. Asking around some of the FreeBSD guys i know are xmpp or protocol experts it seems like BOSH is considered outdated by some and recommend web sockets others disagree and reference constrained environments - this is a link to a thread on the forums - from what I gather there are cases for both and constrained networks are something my project has to consider - if we can provide a very easy to understand description, options or alternatives it's an area perfect to find on modern xmpp - (still not sure if there's any potential for grpc or quip and completely new method to accomplish what I think would be a modern way to do what BOSH does