Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-12-11

  1. raucao

    soooo... what's the current opinion on XMPP vs Jabber vs ?

  2. Zash

    "Just install this app to talk to me"

  3. Zash

    "Here's a Snikket invite!"

  4. raucao

    that doesn't help when i want to advertise my address

  5. raucao

    without talking to someone about it

  6. raucao

    or inviting someone specifically

  7. L29Ah


  8. raucao

    it's not just an xmpp address tho

  9. raucao

    in my case

  10. raucao

    if we have no name at all, then how do we explain it? only in terms of a single app?

  11. raucao

    and then naming 10 other apps it's compatible with?

  12. raucao

    seems inefficient to me

  13. Link Mauve

    Yes, we use a vanilla Converse at JabberFR, without any non-merged patch.

  14. Zash

    There's things like or

  15. raucao

    ok, so XMPP is defnitely preferred over jabber

  16. raucao

    (when i talk to people who used it before, but haven't in many years, they usually refer to it as jabber, hence my question)

  17. raucao


  18. MattJ

    raucao: Jabber is a trademark owned by Cisco. As far as I'm concerned that's good enough reason not to promote it or build a new generation of software and documentation around it

  19. MattJ

    But yes, in certain circles it is very much still the popular name. And it's way better than "XMPP" for end users

  20. raucao

    i'm aware of the trademark issue. otherwise i'd be endorsing the term everywhere

  21. raucao

    > And it's way better than "XMPP" for end users that's the crux of the matter

  22. raucao

    a real pickle

  23. raucao

    what would a team of competent branding experts do?

  24. raucao

    (if they had deep technical knowledge of this whole topic)

  25. raucao

    don't get me wrong, i think the app approach is helpful for a lot of situations

  26. raucao

    similar to how you don't have to know pleroma to create a mastodon account and then follow someone who pops up in your feed

  27. raucao

    but nothing quite beats the simplicity of "this is my email address" "can you just email me?"

  28. raucao

    and, unfortunately, the same with "i'm on telegram" etc.

  29. raucao

  30. raucao

    can current jabber users actually message any JID?

  31. ij

    in theory, yes… if properly configured.

  32. ij

    there are some issues when it comes to MUCs