Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-09-06

  1. Zash

    What kind of stuff should be written down on ?

  2. Zash types words into vim

  3. MattJ

    Snikket apps are now using XEP-0084 and XEP-0172, and no vCards (I guess vCards may still be read for other contacts, but they don't publish them)

  4. Zash

    I was expanding the scope of the section into user profiles ('84 + '172, optionally '292) and typing words about the nice access / privacy controls I want everyone to have. :)

  5. Zash

    "Do not put avatar into vcard4!"

  6. MattJ


  7. Zash

    ## Profiles ### Avatar ### Extended Profile(??) ### Access Control(or privacy something?)

  8. Link Mauve

    0398 might be useful to know whether publishing to 0084 is enough, or if a 0153 fallback would be useful for interoperability with older clients.

  9. Zash

  10. Zash

    WIP ↑

  11. MattJ


  12. MattJ

    Maybe in the summary XEP list put (optional) next to 292

  13. wurstsalat

    Zash: 0083 is a typo I guess?

  14. Zash

    Probably accidentally did the 'increment number' action in vim. :)

  15. Zash


  16. Zash


  17. Zash

    Can't you ask for reviews on draft PRs? What the git, hub?

  18. jonas

    its the point of draft prs to not attract review(er)s

  19. Zash

    That does not make sense to me.

  20. Zash

    Feedback on that text would be appreciated. It feels like 80% and I'm out of brains for today.

  21. MattJ

    LGTM (g == great)

  22. MattJ

    I'd like to include a specific size recommendation, I had to look up a couple of weeks ago what C was doing

  23. MattJ

    Looks like I settled on 72KB pre b64

  24. Zash

    How many pixels do you get into that?

  25. Zash

    IIRC there's some recommendation in some XEP that probably seemed suitable in 2006, 64 or 96px squares or so. Might not look as great on todays hidpi screens and such

  26. Zash

    MattJ, ~100k final stanza?

  27. Zash

    I had a half-written sentence about how to math stanza size limit into a suitable pre-b64 size.

  28. Zash

    Wrote some notes into my local copy. Will sleep on it and try to finish it and un-draft it tomorrow.