Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-06-09

  1. ericus

    Hello, currently anonymous MUCs experience at least two issues: further LMCs of a message cannot be related to a specific user after going off and back online and blocking a user is only possible by its nick name+mucjid. What if the server, which knows full jids, generated hashes of all jids and kept arecord of those but also distributed them along side with nicks. Then the two issues were solveable client side werent they? Am I missing something?

  2. Zash

    This does in fact already exist.

  3. Zash

    Described by

  4. ericus

    I see :-)

  5. Zash

    So what's missing is probably more implementation and pushing that XEP forward in the standards process.

  6. Ge0rG

    But the title is misleading, because it's pseudonymous, and it has privacy issues.

  7. ericus

    Ge0rG: Privacy in regard: other participants know when a nick changes and can know that a user participates with more than one client?

  8. ericus

    If all servers use some random salt for each muc, you may have different unique hashes per muc

  9. Ge0rG

    ericus: each MUC should use a secret salt, or you could be tracked across rooms. Also if you leave a room and enter it with a different name, you get a new identity. That's broken by this XEP

  10. Zash

    What was the idea there? Throw in the nickname in the calculation?

  11. ericus

    The first part should or could be incorporated, the second one, what Zash said