Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-05-06

  1. makanakky

    Zash, Zash: hi

  2. L29Ah

    hello Zash

  3. makanakky

    How re u

  4. jonas’

    makanakky, it is rude to randomly ping people

  5. MattJ

    makanakky, hi, please don't do that. This chat is about the project. Can we help you?

  6. makanakky

    Ok am so sorry for that house

  7. makanakky

    Pls I need help

  8. jonas’

    what with?

  9. jonas’

    what do you need help with?

  10. makanakky

    Am a sailor I dont av job can someone help me for that

  11. jonas’

    not really I’m afraid

  12. jonas’

    we’re not a job market

  13. makanakky

    Pls do not afraid of me I am gentle person