Modern XMPP project discussion - 2021-01-20

  1. Ge0rG

  2. Ge0rG

    Would this be better hosted on Modern XMPP? Looks like the authors won't be opposed

  3. Zash

    That's what was meant to be for a while.

  4. Ge0rG

    Zash: I used to steal the domain list from there for auto completion

  5. L29Ah

    23:49:21]<Zash> That's what was meant to be for a while. tfw even a drop-down list doesn't work w/o js in 2021

  6. L29Ah

    i hope modernxmpp isn't going to be as "modern"

  7. Zash

    L29Ah, is barely maintained now unfortunately and in need of a major overhaul

  8. Zash

    Ge0rG, wouldn't the joinxmpp be a more suitable home?

  9. Zash

    the. thing.

  10. Ge0rG

    Zash: maybe yes, but one of those is dead and the other isn't