Modern XMPP project discussion - 2019-11-04

  1. Zash

    `curl | grep description`

  2. Ge0rG


  3. jonas’


  4. MattJ

    Sigh, Python I guess

  5. MattJ

    site_description: default `null`

  6. Zash


  7. Ge0rG

    since when is `null` Python?

  8. MattJ


  9. MattJ

    Processed by Python

  10. MattJ

    converted to HTML

  11. MattJ

    Parsed by a web browser

  12. Ge0rG

    Time for some yaml shaving?

  13. MattJ

    What could go wrong?

  14. MattJ

    Zash, fixed and deployed, thanks

  15. Zash


  16. jonas’

    MattJ, still better than ruby, where you would’ve gotten "" instead of "nil" ("None")

  17. jonas’

    the countless times I hunted after empty strings in ruby things which turned out to actually be nils

  18. MattJ

    That would have been arguably more correct in this specific case :)

  19. Ge0rG


  20. MattJ

    Not sure I want the site appearing in search results with the description "None"

  21. jonas’

    correct, but harder to track down when it isn’t

  22. jonas’

    a "None" is a dead giveaway what happened, a "" isn’t

  23. pep. whistles "option type"

  24. jonas’

    bonus when some string operations sometimes(!) return nil instead of a string

  25. jonas’

    irb(main):001:0> "foo\n".delete!("\n").to_s => "foo" irb(main):002:0> "foo".delete!("\n").to_s => ""

  26. jonas’

    because that’s totally obvious

  27. MattJ


  28. Ge0rG

    jonas’: that demands for a NaS return value.

  29. jonas’

    Ge0rG, like, nil?

  30. jonas’

    irb(main):001:0> "foo".delete!("\n") => nil

  31. Ge0rG

    jonas’: no, like NaN, but for strings.

  32. Ge0rG

    NaN != NaN, but nil == nil

  33. jonas’


  34. Ge0rG

  35. jonas’


  36. MattJ

    I always forget how bad JavaScript is

  37. debxwoody


  38. Ge0rG

    MattJ: s/JavaScript/computing/