Modern XMPP project discussion - 2019-09-15

  1. lovetox

    Zash still does not work

  2. lovetox

  3. lovetox

    oh ok seems gajim does not update this info on change

  4. Zash

    lovetox: There is no notification of serverside configuration changes

  5. lovetox

    hm why?

  6. lovetox

    i feel a notification should be issued if any field of the configuration form changes

  7. lovetox


  8. Zash

    lovetox: It's not a field in the configuration form.

  9. lovetox

    ah damn yeah

  10. lovetox

    and we have no possibility to be informed about a muc disco info change

  11. Zash

    It would be nice to do the notification thing for every time the disco#info changes but it's kinda tricky for sevral reasons when there's server-wide things.

  12. lovetox

    except with the presence hack

  13. Ge0rG

    Also a client needs to know what kind of thing changed to issue the correct query

  14. Zash

    MUC needs disco caps or something

  15. Daniel

    Ge0rG, is there a different kind of query than disco#info?

  16. Zash

    MUC does have this thing that it sends a message with a status code when the room configuration changes, which you can react to by refreshing disco#info

  17. Daniel

    yes. but it is always the same query

  18. Daniel

    or maybe i'm missing something

  19. Zash

    This wasn't a room configuration change, but a MUC service-wide configuration change.

  20. Zash

    Wherein the parameters for producing the reported URL to MUC logs changed.

  21. Ge0rG

    Daniel: ah, you are most probably right

  22. lovetox

    yes zash we can use the configuration change message for that purpose

  23. lovetox

    we just have to interpret the word configuration a bit wider than just the muc configuration form