Groupchat 3.0 development - 2025-02-13

  1. singpolyma

    I wonder if we could push csi info up to mucs so they don’t send presence for a bit and then send it again later when we have an active user again or the mic is sending a message. This way even when a message from something else comes in you don’t get that flood of presence from the muc until you actually want it

  2. larma

    Shouldn't CSI already be able to do that without pushing the state to the MUC? I think holding back presences until the client signals active is basically *the* example for CSI

  3. larma

    > Suppress presence updates until the client becomes active again. On becoming active, push the latest presence from each contact.

  4. singpolyma

    but when you get a message all stanzas come through, regardless of csi state

  5. singpolyma

    if the mic was holding you’d get just the message

  6. singpolyma

    if the muc was holding you’d get just the message

  7. Kev

    If we follow the GC3 'you can opt in/out of presence/messages' then yes, that could happen.

  8. singpolyma

    yeah that’s what made me think of it, but I’m not sure I want to opt out so much as delay

  9. Kev

    That's mostly the same as opt-out, and then opt-in+catch-up, I think?

  10. singpolyma

    yeah I think so