Groupchat 3.0 development - 2025-02-04

  1. debacle

    The best thing to get new tech running stable is adding as many features as possible, right? Can I haz support for untrusted bots, please? I.e. bot cannot read the MUC, but only messages in which it is mentioned?

  2. Kev

    Yes, kinda, already covered.

  3. Kev

    In as much as the service can add whatever ACL types it wants into its list.

  4. debacle

    Sounds good!

  5. Kev

    So if someone wants to specify (or even not specify and just deploy) an action type of 'read messages in which I'm mentioned' distinct from 'read all messages', the ACL list means it falls out in the wash in terms of protocol.

  6. debacle

    Probably needs a Prosody community module then, maybe translated to Erlang by ChatGPT.

  7. debacle

    I might be wrong, but I can imagine, that "safe use of untrusted bots" is a nice feature for many users.

  8. MattJ

    Yes, it's definitely something I want to have

  9. singpolyma

    I think nothing prevents that even with MUC right? It's up to the server

  10. MattJ


  11. mathieui

    singpolyma, but having fine-grained ACL builtin in GC3 could make things easier

  12. MattJ

    My original plan (pre-GC3) was to have the bot add a tag that would say "I only want to see messages that mention me"

  13. MattJ

    and then as a second feature, a way to require that a specific member always had this applied

  14. singpolyma

    ACL we mean assigning permissions to hats?

  15. MattJ


  16. Kev was the proposal.

  17. Kev

    (Some bits missing, obviously)